
Style Series

How To Pack For A Holiday

Everyone loves a holiday, however in our quest for sun and adventure, we do have to navigate our fair share of admin and planning. Once you’ve got travel and accommodation sorted, the mind naturally turns to the most fearsome task of all: packing for your holiday.

After an initial panic regarding whether you’ll be hand luggage or hold, you’ve now got to try and fit all of your worldly possessions and holiday essentials into your chosen carrier. A tricky task as we can all appreciate.

Let our top tips remove the stress help and you get packed for holiday with minimal fuss.

Plan out your trip

While you may not know exactly what you’re going to do yet, you’ll have a fairly good idea of the kinds of activities you will undertake; a slap up meal, a day at the beach, a long walk to explore your chosen destination. Each of these activities calls for a different outfit, meaning you can immediately cut the practical from the unpractical (3 piece suit for a beach holiday anyone?) when it comes to what to pack.


Now you have all your outfits laid out, it’s time to make some big decisions. Instead of three pairs of jeans, will your best pair cover you across the entire holiday? Or could you swap a pair out for some lightweight chinos or shorts? While we aren’t at the stage of stuffing everything into a case yet, getting yourself mentally prepared for the ordeal is a good idea.

Only the best

We all have those items that we don’t wear often, stating they’re ‘for best’ and too good for the everyday or ordinary. This is your chance to give them the airing they so deserve. If you can’t wear them on holiday, when will you?

Flat pack isn't best

Our natural inclination when it comes to packing is to fold everything carefully and make everything as flat as humanly possible. The thinking with this technique is that if everything is flat enough, you’ll be able to fit it all in. Sound thinking, right?

In actual fact, you’ve been doing it all wrong. It’s proven by tightly rolling each garment and packing them tightly stacked upright and side by side, you will fit more in, and the garments will be less creased when you come to unpack at your destination than if you’d tried to lay them perfectly flat it’s a win-win situation.

Use your shoes

Once you’ve whittled your shoe selection down to just a couple - wearing your most bulky on the plane of course - you don’t want to let your selection waste valuable space in your luggage.

The hollows of your shoes are perfect to store small items, from socks to underwear, protecting the shoes from squashing in the process.

Interchangeable is key

Those smart/casual pieces are a man’s best friend when it comes to holiday time. That shirt that goes well with jeans and shorts? The tee that looks great by itself or smartened up under a blazer? Pack them. Maximising the wear time of each piece you put in your luggage means you save space for all those souvenirs you’ll want to bring home.

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